Week 7 - Apprenticeships and authenticity in learning
"In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn." - Phil Collins Regardless of your educational philosophy, it is well known that best practices in K-12 education point toward collaboration, authentic learning experiences, and in scaffolding educational experiences to benefit the learners. Looking at the statistics in Brown et al, it's undeniable that the process of encouraging students to take the role as teacher, especially in the context of reading comprehension, can benefit the students in the ability to transfer the process to the next paragraph or reading task. Reading the sample conversation, however, I wonder if the authenticity discussed in the article on apprenticeship is there. With so much quality content available, the article about crows seems odd. Are the students especially interested in crows? Would an article or story about a child their age or a favorite music star, or a video game they are interested in be more appropriate?...