Bring on the CSS! And Assessment
Bring on the CSS! Okay, that’s much more confident than I feel, though I am not impressed with my basic and boring webpage so far, so I’m excited to add some color and style, though I still can’t “see” how this will pan out in the end. I’m looking forward to exploring templates because that will surely help me to see the final project a bit more clearly. On another note, assessment is hard. Bloom and I spent some time together today, discussing his taxonomy. Well, really I did the talking (and griping and complaining about how my great ideas were NOT higher order) and he just kept sending me the same pyramid that’s been around for years. That guy is consistent if nothing else. I know WHAT I want people to get from my course, but having them prove it is hard – it's been a minute since I’ve worked on the alignment piece and it’s SO important, but also doesn’t always end where I think it will. Great activities mean nothing if learners don’t do more than regur...