
Showing posts from February, 2024

Week 8 - Dissertation Proposal Prep

This week I focused on finding information and articles that were aligned with my Quals Committee question and annotating them.  I found some great options that were cited in the articles I pulled last week so I started there.   BAİDOO-ANU, D., & OWUSU ANSAH, L. (2023). Education in the era of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI): Understanding the potential benefits of CHATGPT in promoting teaching and learning. Journal of AI , 7 (1), 52–62. Kohnke, L., Moorhouse, B. L., & Zou, D. (2023). Chatgpt for language teaching and learning. RELC Journal , 54 (2), 537–550. Karaishi - Teaching English in the age of AI: Embacing ChatGPT to optimize EFL materials          Seeing the progressive inputs and outputs here was fascinating.  I hadn't appreciated previously how deep the memory was here and how ChatGPT could refine it's own response over and over and over....

What got you here won't get you there - R795 Blog beginning Week 4

It's interesting to be in this space.  I didn't know at the end of last semester that this would be my last semester of classes before THE DISSERTATION began - and honestly, I've been spending a lot of time thinking and working toward it as part of R795, which was also unexpected.  I'm not sure why it snuck up on me - I SHOULD have been aware, but I wasn't.   I've read that choosing a topic is one of the hardest parts of earning a doctoral degree, and it was a bit of an evolution for me.  I thought about what was interesting enough to me to get me through - that I could read and read and read and never get bored, and what could be a valid contribution to the field.  In my very first course with Dr. Bonk, the articles that I found most interesting were those focused on AI, and the statements and policies that I read from different schools and classes drew my attention.   My process to this point is simple.  I'm using my ipad to find articles a...